(2024) Kansas: Complete List of City Wide Garage Sales (2025)

  • Garage Sale Tips
  • Tammy King

This is the only available complete list of current city wide yard sales in Kansas for 2024! So get on your shopping shoes and head on out for a small town Kansas thrifting road trip! Whether you turn it into a girls’ weekend getaway full of thrifting, junking and antique shopping or you’re a picker who needs more inventory or you’re a local who just wants to stock up on cheap kids’ clothing for your family, you can find a Kansas town full of garage sales! So before you head out, check out this (2024) Kansas: complete list of city wide garage sales.

(2024) Kansas: Complete List of City Wide Garage Sales (1)

Important Notes Before You Begin

1. Did I miss a citywide garage sale? (There are A LOT of Kansas cities and towns!) Contact me with the details HERE, so I can add it to the list!

2. Please click on the link for each city before you head out to verify they haven’t changed the date.

3. Communities may vary as to which day they start on (ie sales running Thursday – Saturday vs Friday – Sunday). If there are specific dates on the website, I have included them here. Traditionally in Kansas, sales run Thursday – Saturday but not always.

4. Cities and towns in Kansas are a bit lacking in websites for their city wide information. Many times I’ve simply linked to the town’s Facebook page where they will make community wide announcements.

5. Download my free mobile phone garage sale shopping list so you can remember all your kids’ clothing sizes, dimensions of a cabinet you’re searching for and those random household items you need!

How to search for a specific city in this list, for easier access

Android Cell Phone:

  1. On your Android device, open the Chrome app .
  2. Open a page.
  3. Tap More. Find in page.
  4. Enter your search term.

Apple iPhone

  1. Open a webpage on the Safari or Chrome app.
  2. Tap the Share icon. …
  3. Scroll down, then tap Find on Page (Safari) or Find in Page (Chrome). …
  4. Type in the word or phrase you want to find in the search bar. …
  5. When you’re finished, tap Done.

Windows Computer

  1. Hit Ctrl (Control) and F at the same time.
  2. Type in the city name in the search box.

Mac Computer

  1. Hit Command and F at the same time.
  2. Type in the city name in the search box.

(2024) Kansas: Complete List of City Wide Garage Sales (2)

April 4 – 6, 2024

Arkansas City


April 11 – 13, 2024



April 18 – 20, 2024

Bonner Springs


Valley Center

April 25 – 27, 2024



Conway Springs




Mount Hope



Rose Hill


May 2 – 4, 2024

Bel Aire


Fort Scott








Rossville (advertised May 3 – 5, 2024)



(2024) Kansas: Complete List of City Wide Garage Sales (3)

May 9 – 11, 2024





May 16 – 18, 2024


May 23 – 25, 2024


May 30 – June 1, 2024






Garden Plain


Highway 24 Garage Sale (First weekend in June) Clay Center, Glasco, Cawker City, Glen Elder, Solomon, Rapids, Beloit, Asherville, Simpson, Alton, Bloomington, Osborne, Portis, Downs, Hoxie, Tasco, Cottonwood Ranch, Seguin, Studley, Damar, Webster State Park, Webster, Stockton, Woodston, Morland, Penokee, Hill City, Bogue, Nicodemus, Colby, Miltonvale

Ness City

Park City


June 6 – 8, 2024


Belle Plaine











(2024) Kansas: Complete List of City Wide Garage Sales (4)

June 13 – 15, 2024


Great Bend

August 10 – 11, 2024

Haysville(Haysville very specifically is ONLY Saturday and Sunday. No early sales.)


September, Dates TBD


September 5 – 7, 2024


Great Bend

Kan/Okla 100 Mile Garage Sale (First weekend in September) Caney, Independence, Dearing, Coffeyville, Tyro

Rose Hill

September 12 – 14, 2024



September 19 – 21, 2024

Arkansas City

September 19 – 21, 2024

Fabulous Finds on Highway 99 (Third week of September) Counties: Marshall, Pottawatomie, Wabaunsee, Elk, Lyon

Highway 36 Garage Sale (Third week of September) St Francis, Bird City, McDonald, Atwood, Midway, Norcatur, Oberlin, Norton, Phillipsburg, Kensington, Smith Center, Mankato, Belleville, Courtland, Scandia, Washington, Marysville, Axtell, Baileyville, Sabetha, Seneca, Hiawatha, Elwood, Highland, Sparks, Troy, Wathena, White Cloud

September 26 – 28, 2024

Park City

October 3 – 5, 2024



(2024) Kansas: Complete List of City Wide Garage Sales (5)

So whether you’re looking for vintage home décor or a picker needing to restock your inventory, use this (2024) Kansas: complete list of city wide garage sales to plan your trip. Then head out for these town garage sale Saturday events for some great treasures. Each city wide garage salewill promise you a great day (or weekend) of second hand shopping.

Read More Garage Sale Shopping Tips Below

(2024) Complete List of Texas City Wide Garage Sales

(2024) Longest Highway Garage Sales: Complete List by State

What Outfit Should I Wear at Garage Sales

34 Best Garage Sale Shopping Tips for Beginners

30 Everyday Items I Buy at Garage Sales and the Actual Savings

Pin for Later (2024) Kansas: Complete List of City Wide Garage Sales

(2024) Kansas: Complete List of City Wide Garage Sales (6)


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(2024) Kansas: Complete List of City Wide Garage Sales (2025)


What is the best month for a garage sale? ›

Early spring (around late March, April, and May) is the most popular time for a garage sale. It's just after winter, when people are eager to head outdoors, and will give you time for some spring cleaning, so you'll know what items you want to sell.

Where is the largest garage sale? ›

What is the length of the 127 Yard Sale route? It currently spans 690-miles, beginning 5 miles north of Addison, Michigan and ending in Gadsen, Alabama. See the 127 Yard Sale route map for more info. When did the 127 Yard Sale begin?

Where is the longest garage sale in the United States? ›

The 127 Yard Sale is an annual event that takes place the first Thursday-Sunday in August each year. It's literally, The World's Longest Yard Sale! The route spans 6 states (Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama) and is 690 miles long.

How to have a garage sale in Wichita KS? ›

Anyone holding a garage sale in Wichita's city limits is required to purchase a garage sale permit. Permits are available for $2.50 a day and can be purchased on the city of Wichita's website.

What sells best at a yard sale? ›

It's important to keep in mind some things are in higher demand than others. Selecting in-demand sale items like books, dishes, and tools helps you have a more successful yard sale.

What is a good amount of money to start with for a garage sale? ›

Sometimes I've started with only $30 but always make sure and have the 10 $1 bills because a lot of people will buy a one or two dollar item and give you a five. I also make sure I have a few more $1's and $5's in the house in case I need them.

What is the most expensive thing found on a garage sale? ›

It wasn't long after that he found out that the glass plates were the work of famed photographer, Ansel Adams. At first, Norsigian sold some prints for only $7,500 until he found out later that the discovery was worth a much more at $200 million.

Where is the best place to advertise for garage sales? ›

Sites like YardSaleSearch.com, Gsalr.com and GarageSaleFinder.com—and their mobile apps—enable garage sale enthusiasts to browse sale listings and even map out a route of their favorites. You may also want to do a quick Facebook search to see if you have any active garage sale groups in your area.

Where is the longest flea market? ›

Technically the world's largest yard sale, the flea market known as the 127 Corridor is certainly the LONGEST outdoor market. Beginning on a highway in Jamestown, TN, this flea stretches hundreds of miles through North Covington, Kentucky, and continues all the way to Gadsden, Alabama.

What is the longest yard sale in 2024? ›

PIKEVILLE, Tenn. — The highly anticipated 127 Yard Sale, famously known as The World's Longest Yard Sale, is back for its 2024 edition, promising a treasure trove of bargains, unique finds, and community spirit.

What do Americans call a garage sale? ›

Here are some of the most common terms associated with this type of shopping: A garage sale (sometimes called a yard sale) is an occasion when people sell things, often in their garage or outside their house, which they no longer want.

What states does the 127 Yard Sale go through? ›

#Travel #Style #Trending #Fashion #Clothes #Clothing #Inspire #RoadTrip #Alabama #Georgia #Tennessee #Kentucky #Ohio #Michigan #127YardSale #TheWorldsLongestYardSale. The official store for the 127 Yard Sale, "The World's Longest Yard Sale". August 1-4, 2024.

What days are best for a garage sale? ›

Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings are usually the best time to hold a successful garage sale. Consider scheduling your sale on the first weekend of the month—when people have just gotten paid and haven't spent all their fun money yet.

How can I make a lot of money at a garage sale? ›

7 Tips for a Profitable Garage Sale
  1. Offer Plenty to Sell. A sparse garage sale doesn't have much curb appeal. ...
  2. Spruce Things Up. ...
  3. Make it Easy to Shop. ...
  4. Don't Price Too High … or Too Low. ...
  5. Remember that Time is Money. ...
  6. Draw Customers with Freebies. ...
  7. Offer Profitable Extras.

Can you bargain in garage sale? ›

Sellers are ready to part with their things, so it's perfectly acceptable to haggle on pricing, especially if you are interested in a high-dollar item or have a grouping of things. Either ask the seller if they can lower the price or feel free to make an offer. However, don't suggest too low a price.

What is the best month to have an estate sale? ›

Winter may just be THE BEST time to hold an estate sale. During spring and summer there hundreds of Garage Sales or Yard Sales to compete with in the winter. There are also fewer estate sales companies doing sales, which leaves us (and you) on a pinnacle.

What are the disadvantages of a garage sale? ›

They can be a fun way to get to know your neighbors or meet interesting people. One of the largest downsides is that people set aside things for a garage sale and then never have one. The unwanted items continue to take up space in their homes and create a mountain of clutter that can often become a fire hazard.

How to make a successful garage sale? ›

How to Hold a Successful Garage Sale
  1. Don't wait until the last minute. ...
  2. Contact your local government. ...
  3. See if neighbors want to join in. ...
  4. Schedule the sale. ...
  5. Advertise. ...
  6. Price your goods. ...
  7. If it's junk, recycle or donate it. ...
  8. Display items nicely.

Is it better to price items at a garage sale? ›

Whether you're clearing out your attic, decluttering your closets, or simply looking to make some extra cash, pricing your items effectively is key to a successful garage sale.

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.