Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (2025)

Daily. You can also force one reset for this activity per day by using a .

Various locations.

The Memorial to Guthix is a Distraction & Diversion linked with Divination. The Memorial is located in the Piscatoris Hunter Area, South of the Phoenix Lair and the nearby Airuts. When player trains Divination, in any spot except within a Dungeon, they can receive Memory strands.

These strands can be stored in your currency pouch. They are combined with engrams that are scattered over RuneScape to create echoes; these unlock some lore connected with Guthix, give Divination experience, and provide special buffs. It is a Completionist & Master Quest Cape requirement to complete the memorial once and a Trimmed Completionist Cape requirement to complete the memorial three times; this will enable you to have four of the buffs active at once.

Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (1)

Getting Started

The Memorial to Guthix features a brief tutorial which is started by talking to Orla Fairweather, located at the entrance to the memorial site. She will give a brief explanation of the memorial and its uses. She will then give you 80 Memory strands and a Naragi engram. Obtain 500 Pale energy and use it to charge the engram.

If you then return to Orla and talk to her, she will ask you to add the echo to one of the empty plinth. Choose any plinth you like, as there is no difference in where you place each echo. Interact with the echo to learn a little bit about Guthix, then go back to talk to Orla. She will tell you to go and activate the Harmony of Naragun buff at the fountain of energy. This is located at the West end of the memorial. After activating the buff, return to Orla and talk to her to finish the tutorial.

Once the tutorial has been finished, you are able to collect engrams throughout the world and to catch an unlimited amount of chronicle fragments and elder fragments.

Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (2)


There are 12 engrams in total hidden across RuneScape. During the tutorial, Orla gives you the Naragi engram, but any time after this you must locate the engram yourself. Whenever you pick up an engram, a Guthixian butterfly will spawn in the nearby area. If the player catches this butterfly, it gives experience in the player’s lowest skill. Each engram has an associated buff which we will discuss in detail later. Below is a list of all engrams, where they spawn, and what buff they give.

EngramBuffLocationLocation Image
Naragi engramHarmony of NaragunInitially given to players by Orla Fairweather. Every time after it spawns in Guthix’s House on Narsagun, located North West of the A I S fairy ring.Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (3)
Elder Sword engramTime-worn MemoriesSpawns on a barrel at the South-East end of the Void Knights Outpost, under a canopy.Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (4)
Sword of Edicts engramDecree of MoralitySpawns near the Sword of Edictus in the Wilderness near the cursed energy divination area.Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (5)
Guardians of Guthix engramGuardian of LifeSpawns South of the area where the Tears Of Guthix is located.Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (6)
World Gate engramEthereal ConnectionSpawns near some rocks located North-East of the World Gate.Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (7)
Druid engramShared KnowledgeSpawns on the altar of the Burthorpe Church, which is East of the Burthorpe druid altar.Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (8)
Balance Elemental engramAbyssal TransitSpawns inside the central standing stone that is located North of Falador, directly East of the Falador lodestone.Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (9)
Sheep engramWisp HerderSpawns inside Fred the Farmers house in Lumbridge, on his table.Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (10)
Time engramSempiternal SouvenirsSpawns near Glarial’s tombstone, North-West of Argdoune. Spawns in a bush under one of the nearby trees.Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (11)
Fairy engramFairy FireSpawns under a mushroom in Zanaris, by the sand pit.Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (12)
Gnome engramArgento’s KindnessSpawns in a dead end on the South Side of the Gnome Maze.Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (13)
Stone of Jas engramStored PowerSpawns on top of the Northern shelf of the rewards area in the Fist Of Guthix lobby.Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (14)


Once you have collected all of the engrams, you must charge each one. This requires a certain amount of energy and memory strands. Each time you prestige, the number of energy and memory strands increases slightly. Once you attain the third prestige, they will stay the same after that. Below is the list of engrams with their energy and Memory strand requirements.

Charging your Engrams
EngramEnergyPrestige 1Prestige 2Prestige 3+Total to get Prestige 3
Naragi engramPale80 Strands
500 Energy
112 Strands
700 Energy
144 Strands
900 Energy
336 Strands
2100 Energy
Elder Sword engramFlickering100 Strands
400 Energy
140 Strands
560 Energy
180 Strands
720 Energy
420 Strands
1680 Energy
Sword of Edicts engramBright120 Strands
450 Energy
168 Strands
630 Energy
216 Strands
810 Energy
504 Strands
1890 Energy
Guardians of Guthix engramGlowing140 Strands
500 Energy
196 Strands
700 Energy
252 Strands
900 Energy
588 Strands
2100 Energy
World Gate engramSparkling160 Strands
400 Energy
224 Strands
560 Energy
288 Strands
720 Energy
672 Strands
1680 Energy
Druid engramGleaming180 Strands
350 Energy
252 Strands
490 Energy
324 Strands
630 Energy
756 Strands
1470 Energy
Balance Elemental engramVibrant200 Strands
500 Energy
280 Strands
700 Energy
360 Strands
900 Energy
840 Strands
2100 Energy
Sheep engramLusterous220 Strands
300 Energy
308 Strands
420 Energy
396 Strands
540 Energy
924 Strands
1260 Energy
Time engramBrilliant240 Strands
250 Energy
336 Strands
350 Energy
432 Strands
450 Energy
1008 Strands
1050 Energy
Fairy engramRadiant260 Strands
300 Energy
364 Strands
420 Energy
468 Strands
540 Energy
1092 Strands
1260 Energy
Gnome engramLuminous280 Strands
250 Energy
392 Strands
350 Energy
504 Strands
450 Energy
1176 Strands
1050 Energy
Stone of Jas engramIncandescent300 Strands
150 Energy
420 Strands
210 Energy
540 Strands
270 Energy
1260 Strands
630 Energy
Total Strands Per2280 Strands3192 Strands4104 Strands9576 Strands


With each echo you add to the memorial, you get a lump sum of Divination experience and access to its corresponding buff. You are initially only able to choose one buff at a time. This buff can be changed once a week at the weekly reset, or when you prestige. Each time you prestige, you unlock the ability to have another buff active at a time; up to 4 buffs at prestige 3.

Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (15)

You are able to prestige after adding all echoes to plinths; you can do this by interacting with the fountain of energy and selecting prestige. After prestiging, all of your buffs remain active and you are able to select any of them, even if you have not re-collected the echo. After prestiging, you must re-collect all of the engrams from their spawn points if you wish to complete the memorial again. Below is a list of all of the engrams and their buffs.

Engram Buffs
Naragi engramHarmony of NaragunInstead of chronicles spawning, Guthixian butterflies spawn instead. Elder chronicles will still spawn.
Elder Sword engramTime-worn MemoriesThe amount of experience gained when converting memories in Dungeoneering is multiplied by four.
Sword of Edicts engramDecree of MoralityChecking hunter traps can occasionally give Memory Shards which are used to create divination items.
Guardians of Guthix engramGuardian of LifePlanting seeds can occasionally give Memory shards which are used to create divination items.
World Gate engramEthereal ConnectionDivination springs will last longer.
Druid engramShared KnowledgeDivine locations give 125% more experience but no items.
Balance Elemental engramAbyssal TransitYou are able to offer chronicles and elder chronicles from your inventory.
Sheep engramWisp HerderConverting memories can occasionally spawn an extra wisp.
Time engramSempiternal SouvenirsPickpocketing can occasionally give Memory shards which are used to create divination items.
Fairy engramFairy FireFire spirits are replaced by divine fire spirits, which give some divination experience and divination items.
Gnome engramArgento’s KindnessDivine eggs can appear in birds’ nests which give divination experience and divination items.
Stone of Jas engramStored PowerYou are able to store the benefits from completing a Guthixian Cache for later use.

The main rewards from completing the memorial are the buffs themselves, as well as the lumps of experience gained when handing in echoes. Each time you prestige, up to 5th prestige, the rate at which you collect memory strands goes up. You also unlock a wing cosmetic override for each prestige, up to the 3rd prestige. These change color with each prestige, just as the echoes do. After prestige one, you are also able to hand batches of 1,000 Memory strands into Orla for a Divination boost; roughly the same experience as a medium lamp.

Orla will also give you Memory strands, after the first prestige, if you have hit level milestones in Divination.

Memorial to Guthix - RuneScape Guide (2025)
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